Cosmopolitan Party

At the heart of our mission is a commitment to universal suffrage – championing the rights and representation of every individual, everywhere, always, and in all ways. Dive deeper into our story here.


Who is the Cosmopolitan Party?

Deriving from ‘Cosmo’ (Universe) and ‘Politian’ (Citizen), Cosmopolitan means “Citizen of the Universe.” True to our name, our aim encompasses everyone, transcending borders and boundaries. We recognize the diverse interests of individuals and have curated personalized messages for both individuals and organizations. Discover our tailored letters here.

Our Two-Pronged Approach

Cosmopolitan Party Foundation

Empowering citizens with the knowledge of universal governance.


Cosmopolitan Coalition Action Fund

Collaborating with influential institutions to incorporate the principles of A Fair Constitution into policy.

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Our Philosophy on Governance

Power resides where consent lies. A government is valid only when its people endorse it. Our cornerstone is ‘A Fair Constitution,’ a blueprint that prioritizes mutual respect, equitable interests, and effective governance. Curious about its structure and rationale? Explore more…

Dive into the Constitution Articles

Dive into each of the articles of our constitution and learn more about them here.

Article I. Individuals

This article highlights individual rights, legal equality, personal autonomy, and non-discrimination in governance and commerce.

Article II. Legislatures

This article examines legislatures’ structure, roles, constituents’ commitment, order rules, ethics, voting, committees, and referendums.

Article III. Governments

This article explores governments’ roles in maintaining constitutional order, delegating authority, forming departments, and worker representation.

Article IV. Judiciaries

This article explores the judiciary’s role in constitutional order, rights protection, judge appointment, conflict resolution, and legislative dynamics.

Article V. Jurisdictions

This article delves into jurisdictions maintaining constitutional order, individual rights, resolving territorial disputes, and structuring legislatures.

Article VI. Constitutional Order

This article discusses constitution upkeep, conditions triggering activation, and remedies like elections and districting.

Article VII. Ratification

This article covers governments’ roles in maintaining constitutional order, delegating authority, forming departments, and worker representation.

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